Tuesday, August 15, 2006

mummy is baack

mood: happy, concerned,relieved
my mum is back!!!
let's start from the morning...i wake up feeling odd...coz usually i'll b careful not to wake up anione abut todae there was no need to be quiet..it felt weird not having my mum to ask me hurry..
yea..and aft sch todae...me, esther, shelly and diying went to eat lunch at ljs..
aft tat i went back home..and mum was taking a rest on my bed...she looks much better now..but she cant tok soo she had to tok to me by writing.even though it's soo i can still understand her...it's realli a difficult task..ps. if u noe my mum standard for english..
thank god for aunty joanne..she came to our house to cook for my mum...soo sweet right...my mum and i am realli grateful...and tmr aunty chunmei will go marketing and pastor would be bringin groceries to our hse...wat a great group of ppl!!!
i tink mum is still gg thru sum pain..but she doesn't look as weak as ytd when she was in the hospital...but she still fels cold sumtimes...
i'll still pray for my mum..and thank you all for praying for my mum..i tink wad miss nunis said during assembly realli makes sense...intercession realli works..it's even more effective than praying for one self...i tink this incident...hav aso brought my mum to spent more quiet time with god..she even pick up a verse for me from the bible to be confident if i were to retake my chinese...
yea..and mum prob cant go back to work sooon...she still have to stay at home till she get better...and it's two weeks! two weeks wivout my mum's voice..o my son!!! o well juz as well..no nagging too..hurhur..
O YA...andduring sch todae..we ewre toking aboutteh chalet ...icant wait actualli...i bet we r gg to have lotsa fun!...

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